The Art & Craft of Stop Motion Animation, from historical to current modern use ... including Retro & Classic Special FX ... miniatures, models, matte paintings, forced perspective tricks, in-camera effects, etc.
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Below is a behind the scenes of of a special effects sequence that Tippett Studio did for the feature 'Alien: Romulus'. It is somewhat short and some scenes are time-lapsed and speeded-up. Remember this trick ... in the Youtube video players you can change the playback speed. This is a useful tool if you want to slow down the video speed. You will be able to observe animation or movements in more detail including videos of real animals or people. Click on the gear icon at the bottom of the player. For this video I recommend speed .5, or you can even go slower at .25. I do this on a laptop computer. I do not know if this works on your mobile phones. First, watch it at regular speed then afterwards you can watch at slower speed.Geez ... I sure went off topic and down a rabbit hole ... LOL!😄
Here you go ....
Befores and Afters is an online special effects focused magazine by subscription service, however many times they provide free teasers & samples of their magazine content. B &A did a very good article about Tippett Studio doing this special effects for this sequence. You old schoolers may remember Cinefex magazine. Well, Befores and Afters has captured that similar vibe. Click the link below to read the article which includes some photos.
About a month ago the behind the scenes of the Disney Skeleton Crew series was posted. You can revisit here >> What's a Tet'niss? (Star Wars) . Well, Disney or Tippett Studio posted another follow-up behind the scenes of the Crab Creature. So this could be called a Part 2. It is short about 2 minutes, and so,do not forget that you have the option to change the speed and watch it in slow motion so that you can study more of the details.
STOP MOTION WORKS 'Seal' - REAL Hand-Made Certified™ ( A.I.)
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This just popped up online: Adam Savage has had a long-standing online presence, starting years ago with Mythbusters on the old analog Discovery Channel. Later, he joined YouTube with a group under the channel name 'Tested'. Now, this channel is primarily associated with Adam Savage himself. His studio shop is equipped with every imaginable tools, allowing him to create physical props, models, mechanical objects, and costumes for practical effects or cosplaying. His studio is the envy of us DIY enthusiasts (home craftsmen/artists).
Adam can build just about anything. I am not sure but I think this might be his first attempt constructing a Stop Motion Armature. He is using the >> Tom St.Amand - Phil Tippett >> T-Rex Armature that was used for Jurassic Park (animation motion testing), as his reference guide. Every armature fabrication has its own methods. Here, we can see that Adam has chosen to build the T-Rex armature skull first. My way of doing this would be to leave the skull for thelast step. I would have detailed blueprints of the entire armature, with an exact scale outline of the T-Rex skull (front, top, side view). I would then complete the armature first, and then build and attach the skull as the final step. In the end, the results are the same ... whatever works!
Maybe this is a spoiler. You will not see the completion of the T-Rex armature in this video. In the description, I do not see an upcoming part 2, or possibly the follow-up video might be reserved for his membership group.
In the photo below Randal M. Dutra is doing the hands on animating of the T-Rex striding-walk test. Online this has the label as 'Go-Motion', however it appears to have been very smoothly animated traditional Stop Motion (not Go-mo). I think it was more of a test demonstrating the highly realistic puppet fabrication and its appearance, especially the T-Rex's external skin characteristics, where you see the illusion of the skin sliding over the muscles underneath and also the Belly Sway Jiggle effect. Nature Artist >> Art of Randal M. Dutra
This is the infamous finished test walk-striding T-Rex that you may have seen online.
STOP MOTION WORKS 'Seal' - REAL Hand-Made Certified™ ( A.I.)
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This was about 12 years ago (2012-13) and was produced by a couple of professionals in the special effects business as a fan tribute to the original 'The Empire Strikes Back' (1980). What we have here, added to the original 'Empire', are Stop Motion inserted scenes and digital compositing & tweaking so that it would blend with the original. The artist-creators were >> Joe Schultz and >> Jim Davidson. If you are on facebook, in the >> Stop Motion Monsterland Group, I think Jim Davidson may have posted some photos of the puppet fabrication.
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Original Wampa Attack scene ...
Here is the completed fan made, modified version of Wampa attack An additional note, I believe the stop motion armatures were made by >> Tom Brierton. This video below is about 4 minutes long but the actual scenes starts at about 2 min & 20 sec
Behind the scenes 1
Behind the scenes 2
Behind the scenes 3
STOP MOTION WORKS 'Seal' - REAL Hand-Made Certified™ ( A.I.)