Monday, August 5, 2024

Japanese 1990 Documentary - AFTER MAN

This obscure Japanese 1990 documentary revolves around Dougal Dixon's, 1981, illustrated book, 'After Man - The Zoology of the Future' The premise being ... After humankind's domain on earth ends ... the speculation of what would the future creatures look like, evolving and interbreeding of different species.

My understanding is, that this was originally produced only for the Japanese market.The full documentary is a substantial 90 minutes in length. Because it is somewhat rare, it appears that only a few online sources are available to watch the full documentary. If you are an old school stop motion or special effects fan of any sort, you might enjoy it. 

The video quality is old style TV low resolution and no subtitles. The beginning scenes of the documentary starts with borrowed very brief shots from Phil Tippett's, Prehistoric Beast (1984)  My micro review: This documentary's special effects work was not as polished compared to the Harryhausen and Phil Tippett signature styles, however, I think they did reasonably good! 👍 They possibly had a limited budget and less experience but they were successful with their creativity efforts in producing this.'After Man' uses stop motion animation and hand operated puppetry effects. To me, it has a little bit of a Karel Zeman (Czech director) style (mid 1950s)

This is a good summary overview explaining the origins of this documentary 

At Youtube, the video below, you can watch the 90 minutes which is in 13 parts/chapters. Each part/chapter will automatically play ... one after the other in sequence. You can always fast forward, as needed. If you only want to see individual video chapters, Go here >> Playlist / After Man (1990)

At you can also watch the 90 minutes which is in 5 parts/chapters. The video quality, about the same but the audio sound is very poor, almost muted. The video below, each part/chapter will automatically play ... one after the other in sequence.You can always fast forward, as needed. Here is direct link >> / After Man (1990).

If you do not have time to skim through the entire documentary, this Youtube video below claims to just have, all the Stop Motion & Hand Puppetry special effects.

STOP MOTION WORKS 'Seal' - REAL Hand-Made Certified™ (🚫 A.I.)


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