Saturday, June 3, 2023

"The Primevals' - Fantastic trailer BUT ....

 ... we are still waiting. It has been about 23 years since David Allen (animator & FX artist, writer, director) passed away RIP (1999) and the progress has been very slow to complete it. 😕 The trailer has a strong classic Harryhausen-esque flavor. The Primevals will definitely satiate the hunger of the salivating, very niche audience! This is not for the CGI movie indoctrinated, or the hyper-short attention span TikTok'ers, & including the computer gaming addicted  generation.😉

In 2018, Charles Band (Full Moon Features did give a update. Again, that was awhile ago. We can only hope that 'The Primevals' will make it to an eventual release.Of course, it is obvious that the general economy is a bit unpredictable and also impacts the entertainment biz.

If you are not familiar with 'The Primevals', here is a link to a past fund raising attempt (4 years ago) and it provides some back story about the project. Click > The Primevals/Indiegogo


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