Wednesday, June 14, 2023

MAGIC ISLAND (1995) - Stop Motion in Adventure 'Family' Film

The low budget producers known as Full Moon Pictures (USA) and their subsidiary brand name, Moonbeam Films, released this movie. No comments about the story line as it is the common adventure fantasy movie for family entertainment.

(c) joelfletcher

Even though Magic Island is a low budget feature, it does include some good Harryhausen style stop motion scenes. It is of a giant stone statue embedded in a rocky hill and then it comes to life and emerges from the hillside. 

Here is a Trailer ....

 You can watch the animation scenes here Magic Island stop motion

Joel Fletcher and behind the scenes of Magic Island ... you can also Watch (better video quality) the finished stop motion scenes and read Joel's experiences. He says, Magic Island might have been the last time Harryhausen style, 'Dynamation' was used in a feature movie. Is he referring to 'rear screen projection' combined with the stop motion? Read his article >> Read Joel's Article
Joel Fletcher & associate setting up shot
(c) joelfletcher


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1 comment:

  1. I remember this movie of many years ago when I was just a kid!


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