Monday, June 19, 2023

ASMR Stop Motion - Aardman 'Chicken Run' Sequel

Andrew Bailey aka AndyMation, hails from the USA. His expertise is in the rare art & craft of hand drawn FlipBook animation niche and also, he is experienced in Stop Motion.

Here ... a unique behind the scenes ...  Andy animating a clay puppet ... silent, no talking ... just a meditative ASMR style experience, watch ....

I have done clay animation (e.g. Gumby & few other gigs), but watching this ... it sure is painstakingly SLOW. I would rather animate a rubber made stop motion puppet, like a Cyclops creature!  Aardman's animation production style, requires highly meticulous work.and a sh*tload of patience! At this level of highly detailed work, it appears that each animator produces just a few seconds (maybe 4 - 5 seconds?) of animation each day. You do need some dexterity with sculpting for clay animation methods.
I think, after the animation is completed,  in post-production .... finger prints, dirt, seams, are digitally removed from the clay surface. With Aardman puppets, the head is usually clay with clay replacement mouths, but the puppet bodies, arms, hands can be made of cast foam latex, then cast again covering foam with a silicone rubber skin.  

For Gumby style clay animation, it was nothing like Aardman. We  were fast, the puppets got dirty & beat-up, and we shot volumes of animation under tight deadlines.(TV series). Also, the animation was a bit rougher & rustic ... LOL! 😀  

What is ASMR?  Just do a search. A relaxation, meditataive-esque technique, indirectly inspired by the pop culture icon ... the soft spoken painter Bob Ross.


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