Friday, January 24, 2025

What's a Tet'niss? (Star Wars)

Being an old schooler neo-luddite, I basically have not paid much attention to the plethora of Star Wars sequels, prequels, spin-offs, different iterations. For me, it's Star Wars (1977), Empire Strikes Back (1980), and Return of the Jedi (1983). THAT'S IT ... no more, no mรกs, nicht mehr, pas plus!!

This series is titled Skeleton Crew under the Star Wars banner. It is not a theatrical movie. Series is online stream available if one is subscribed to Disney+. Since I have been out of touch with all the different incarnations of the Star Wars franchise, this is my first time seeing trailer about this specific series.

  If you cannot hear the audio below, look for speaker icon (lower left) and turn on sound (unmute)

@bigareviews The trash crab is bloody stop motion!!! #starwars #skeletoncrew #stopmotionanimation #philtippet #crab #cinetok #moviemagic #trashcrab @Star Wars ♬ Major Tom (Coming Home) [Single Version] - Peter Schilling

There are only a few behind the scenes.They are more like 'making of' shorts.

This one is moderately longer

At one of the Facebook groups, Webster Colcord who works at Tippett Studio, said, that in post production some motion blur added and also digital tweaking where the stop motion slightly chattered. 

Here are some write-ups / articles, click below

Bringing the Towering “Tet’niss” from Star Wars: Skeleton Crew to Life

Star Wars: Skeleton Crew | Stop Motion & Old School Matte Paintings


 STOP MOTION WORKS 'Seal' - REAL Hand-Made Certified™ (๐Ÿšซ A.I.)


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Saturday, January 11, 2025

Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl (2024)

I am surprised to have missed this one, Aardman Animation's 'Wallace & Gromit: Vengeance Most Fowl' (2024). It seems to have been under the radar, as I personally, have not seen much publicity or promotion about it. This Aardman feature is financed by the online streaming platform, Netflix. They also financed the Guillermo Del Toro, Oscar winning,'Pinocchio'(2022). Netflix really did full scale promotion for 'Pinocchio' likely because having a higher A-list tier status due to the well known director. With this Wallace & Gromit feature at a lower production budget, it seems the marketing of it was much less. 

Just posting whatever behind the scenes about 'Vengeance Most Fowl' that is available. I'm not interested in the movie reviews. Since I have worked in Stop Motion, I have a bias towards technical aspects of movie production, specifically the Special Effects! My only very minor review-critique ... the behind the scenes here for this W&G movie, are not as detailed compared to other past stop motion features from other studios, however, it may still interest you, especially if you are a hardcore Stop Motion Aficionado!๐Ÿ˜ 

NOTE - There are numerous videos here. If they do not all appear, just refresh, reload your browser a few times.

 Trailers 4:21

 BBC - Behind the scenes W&G: Vengeance Most Fowl 14:58


Some clips from Vengeance  5:08

BAFTA -Bringing 'Vengeance Most Fowl' to Life  17:40

W&G: Vengeance Most Fowl, Behind Scenes 3:27

The One Show (UK) Behind Scenes - Vengeance Most Fowl 5:41



Retrospectively, Aardman Studio single-handedly, seems to have won the most awards in the Stop Motion niche.

Creature Comforts - Academy Award 1989 & *BAFTA Nominated 1990
The Wrong Trousers - Academy Award 1993 & *BAFTA Award 1994
A Close Shave - Academy Award 1995 & *BAFTA Award 1996
Curse of the Were-Rabbit - Academy Award 2005 & *BAFTA Award 2006

*British Academy of Film and Television Arts

'Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers' (1993)  - 28:59


REAL Hand-Made Certified™ (๐Ÿšซ A.I.)


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